In and Out Beings
Chest goes up, chest comes down
We are In and Out Beings
Water comes in, water goes out
We are In and Out Beings
Why now
When we get stuck
Do we expect just to be In Beings
In only, more In,
stuffing down, suppressing
Why is it like this?
Well, you’ve forgotten the Out
the outlet.
Be kind to yourself
As you were not taught this
You were taught
You must hold it all
In, in, in.
Take a breath, my love.
Let it out, out, out.
You are an In and Out Being.
Scream, dance, write,
Shake, flail, shout
Cry, crumble, crash
It is safe.
Let it out.
Once you start
It may feel endless
As you are making up
For in-ness
With out-ness
Just know there’s a lightness
A natural way of being
In and Out Being
Awaiting you.