Surrender is not resignation
Resignation is passive
It’s apathetic
It’s giving in
To the misbeliefs
That got you stuck in the first place
While surrender is active
It’s radically accepting
It’s allowing
It’s trusting
It’s giving up
What you desire
Because not all of the pressure
Has to be on you
It’s being open
To what desires you
Surrender means having a clear vision
For the qualities of what you desire
But not for the exact things
You must remain involved
Listening, and taking steps to create
Without attaching to the outcome
With deep acceptance of where you are now
Being perfectly where you are supposed to be
Even if you don’t like it
As accepting the present
Is the first step to making space
For a better future
And it’s still ok to want
It’s just being open
To what you want
Not wanting you
And being open
To what’s wanting you
Being more amazing
Than your wildest dreams